Pseudochromis aldabraensis “Neon Dottyback”, Captive Bred


Dottybacks from the Red Sea, including the stunning Neon Dottyback, Pseudochromis aldabraensis, have become staple offerings from ornamental marine fish breeders. Their widespread availability is bolstered by the fact that wild-caught versions of these species generally cost at least twice as much as the same species when captive-bred. Captive-bred dottybacks are incredibly resilient and hardy fishes.

Dottybacks’ reputation for aggression is, on the one hand deserved, but on the other hand, often blown out of proportion in my opinion. The species most commonly cultured are on the more passive side, being most aggressive towards other dottybacks.

Dottybacks are also often quick to spawn, so aspiring breeders won’t be waiting years on a pair like they can be with clownfish.

Regarding my offerings; Small Dottybacks are generally 1-2″ in length, juveniles that have hit salable size. Offerings for juvenile pairs are made from fish that have been cohabiting without major aggression for at least a couple weeks. All dottybacks may ship with some minor fin damage; this is par for the course when housing multiple dottybacks together, particularly if they are young pairs. Dottybacks can and will kill mates, or proposed mates, suddenly – we make no warranties or guarantees on pair stability nor your attempts to pair these fishes with existing mates.

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