The Redspotted Panchax, Epiplatys lamottei, is a non-annual Killifish from southern Guinea and northern Libera on the west coast of Africa. The specimens offered here are adult, aquarium strain. While females are rather drab, males display a rather unique color palette of lavender purple with red spotting. This can be a rather shy species at times; it will appreciate a heavily decorated aquarium. They’ve been kept here with other soft-water species without incident.
Epiplatys lamottei “Redspotted Panchax” Killifish
The Redspotted Panchax, Epiplatys lamottei, is a non-annual Killifish from southern Guinea and northern Libera on the west coast of Africa. The specimens offered here are adult, aquarium strain. While females are rather drab, males display a rather unique color palette of lavender purple with red spotting. This can be a rather shy species at times; it will appreciate a heavily decorated aquarium. They’ve been kept here with other soft-water species without incident.