Check out these Silver Angelfish, the domesticated form of Pterophyllum scalare. Outwardly, Silver Angelfish don’t display any genetic mutations and appear similar to wild angelfish, but that doesn’t mean domestic lines of Silver Angels may not hide a treasure or two for the breeder.
We currently have both standard fin and veil fin Silver Angels on hand. The specimens offered at this time are direct descendants from our former Halfblack Angelfish breeding program, which means these are 25% Peruvian scalare (a couple generations back now). Their parents were genetically het for Halfblack; we know this because we spawned and reared the parents here at MiniWaters. However, Alpha Aquatix has been unable to get any Halfblacks to show up in this generation of breeding. As such, some of these fish could be straight wild type (+/+), het Halfblacks as well (+/hb), or even full blown Halfblacks that failed to express (hb/hb).
MiniWaters really got it’s start as a wholesaler producing freshwater Angelfish. In mid 2014, due to massive winter storm damage that took nearly a year to repair, we had to sell off most all of our Angelfish broodstock, with the few things we held back sold in 2015. The next generation of angelfish we’re offering are being produced by Alpha Aquatix, LLC, with some of their stock being direct descendants of our own projects. We’re happy to offer domestic angelfish, hatched and reared in Minnesota. Angelfish are generally sold by body size, exclusive of fins, so a dime-sized Angelfish = body size of a US dime, nickel = nickel, quarter = quarter and so forth. Typically our sizes are minimum..if you order dime, you’re going to get dime or bigger.