Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi “Black Neon Tetra”


Black Neon Tetras, Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi, might be as “common as dirt” (to steal a phrase from Bill Capman) in the aquarium trade, but for a lover of monochromatic fishes like myself, they are an essential option for a community aquarium. Unlike the garish and overtly obvious beauty of other Tetras bearing the “Neon Tetra” grouping, Black Neons are elegant and reserved. When you’re holding a “black tie affair” in your planted aquarium, you must consider inviting a swarm of Black Neons. They won’t disappoint.

Adult (aka. Large or Jumbo) Black Neon Tetras are in the 1 to 1.25″ range and are generally grown out here for months to attain this size; the maximum size given for this species is 30-35 mm. Small is less than 1″ in length.


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