Cyprinella lutrensis “Rainbow Dace / Red Shiner”


The first time I received these, I honestly got them in by accident, meaning to order “Rainbow Shiners“, but what a pleasant surprise. I’d kept the Rainbow Dace, Cyprinella lutrensis, aka. the Red Shiner, in my youth, in a 10 gallon aquarium. The fish had been caught in the Southeast Wisconsin lake where my family has kept a cabin for nearly a century now. I found these fish to be indestructible back then, and that holds true now. Being a temperate species from North America, they certainly do not need a heater in their tank. Active and easy to care for, they actually beat out many of our other freshwater fish in the looks department, with vibrant shades of peachy orange-red and purple-blue over their bodies. You can get more info and some great photos in the online AMAZONAS blog post I recently wrote about photographing the Rainbow Dace.

This species may not be available to ship in all locations – we will attempt to ascertain any state prohibitions prior to shipping these to you. (and in great irony, even though the species is present in the state, it is prohibited in Wisconsin; there may be others)

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