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Coryphopterus personatus “Masked Goby”, captive-bred


The Masked Goby, Coryphopterus personatus, is a wonderful small goby that swims in the open water column and schools! A native of Florida and the Caribbean, it’s often available fairly inexpensively as a wild-caught fish. Having repeatedly learned the lesson that captive-bred fish that have wild counterparts selling for “significantly less” translates into captive-bred fish that don’t sell, I’ve been hesitant to bring these in. But…a small schooling goby that’s captive bred? It’s worthy of your consideration, particularly in small tanks. This fish is somewhat routinely available from a couple commercial outlets, this despite it perhaps not being one of the “easier” gobies to breed. In the end, I think you get what you pay for with a hardier, more well-adjusted fish, when you purchase them as captive bred. While I may not always have this one in stock, I’m absolutely willing to consider special orders and quantity discounts for interested conscientious aquarists.


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