Amphiprion sp. “Darwin Black” Clownfish; “True” Black Ocellaris, Captive Bred


The Black Clownfish from Darwin Australia has been coveted for decades. We have know it in the trade as “Black Ocellaris”. Unfortunately, between taxonomic status and the pursuit of designer forms of Black Ocellaris (particularly the Black Snowflake), biogeographically and genetically pure representative of Darwin Black Clownfish are being marketed right alongside hybrid versions that may outwardly look the same. With wild fish unavailable for 10+ years, and now being unable to look at a fish and know it’s pure, the aggregate captive population of this “species” is now quite dubious.

This may not matter to the casual consumer of “Black Ocellaris Clownfish”, but if we value the role the aquarium hobby and breeders play in species stewardship, conservation and preservation, then simply buying any old “Black Ocellaris” is voting the wrong way with your money. The Darwin Black Clownfish I offer here represent fishes that offer a high degree of confidence in their genetic and biogeographic purity. Tracking these lines involves more work for commercial breeders, and more effort for small breeders to make available, so these fish do carry a higher cost.  Yes, I know some will say I’m offering “pedigreed” fish…frankly, that may be more true that even I’d care to admit.

Whether you’re a breeder or simply like the idea of supporting efforts to encourage the preservation of biodiversity through our hobby, these are the best choice for a Black and White “ocellaris” type clownfish I can offer. Yes, they are at the upper end of what “Black Ocellaris” typically sell for…but then again, they’re really not “Black Ocellaris” at all!

Learn more about the plight of the Darwin Black Clownfish in the description below; you can also read more about this species in my CORAL Magazine online article.

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