Premnas biaculeatus “PNG White Stripe Maroon” Clownfish, Captive Bred


Every great PNG Lightning Maroon Clownfish deserves the perfect mate, and they’ll find it in a White Stripe Maroon, Premnas biaculeatus, from PNG. The White Stripe Maroon, often abbreviated WSM, is the normal, wild-type, 3-barred form of the species. Genetically, it shouldn’t be carrying any designer genes. When mated to a PNG Lightning Maroon, the results are a consistent 50/50 mix of Lightning and normal Maroon Clownfish.

The white stripes I am offering here are the siblings of our Lightning Maroons, and they are pure to PNG. I also have a pair of completely unrelated wild PNG White Stripe Maroons on hand who spawn occasionally; I may rear a batch in the future to inject additional genetic diversity into the PNG Maroon Clownfish captive-breeding population; I’ll denote those separately.

Special attention must be made when attempting to pair up PNG White Stripe Maroons; these truly are brutally mean to each other during pairing, often requiring repeated attempts and separations. Pairing is done at your own risk; simply buying two at placing them together is likely a recipe for disaster. Be prepared with breeder nets or Peace Maker boxes ( a great tool every aquarist should have).

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