Amphiprion rubrocinctus “Darwin” – Ruby Clownfish


The true Ruby or Rubrocinctus Clownfish, Amphiprion rubrocinctus, hails from the northwestern coast of Australia. This species has a big identity crisis in the US trade, as the species we now know as Amphiprion barberi (from Fiji and Tonga) first entered the trade misidentified as A. rubrocinctus – most if not all of the “Rubrocinctus” seen in the US are probably actually A. barberi.

The real A. rubrocinctus is a very unique looking fish if you get to know it. Other than a couple verifiable specimens that may be held by institutions, it’s possible that no one else has the true, real Amphiprion rubrocinctus in the United States. If I’m able to import any more, I might consider doing so; the price I’ve included here is subject to change, and if anything, would probably go up. More likely, at some point I’ll be able to update this listing when I get some babies, but that could take a couple years!

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